Much of my adult life has been dogged by health issues and chronic pain left over from an almost disastrous (2nd) childbirth. Over the last 18 years I have undergone numerous surgeries attempting to fix different bits of internal damage. In 2016, I finally decided to undergo one more repair, but the consequence was a wound that opened up and wouldn’t heal for several months. I documented the opening and closing of the wound over time, which gives the appearance of a flower blooming. “Bloom” is my attempt to turn something we all find viscerally abhorrent and painful into something beautiful.
The “Etudes” (studies) are 6 x 6 x 2”. The “Fantasie Impromptu” pieces are 10 x 10 x 1”. And “The Shape of Things” are 8 x 8 x 2”. All are composed of pigments and acrylic media on wood. Please note that many of the pigments I use are multi-chrome, and thus change color at different angles. So even though many images look like completely different pieces, there are actually multiple images of the same piece at different angles and are labeled as such.